Today was the day.
Over the past few months I have felt lost. I have been struggling with where I should go, what I should do. I love staying home with Ellie, my 5 month old, but I felt like something was missing. I just didn't know what it was. Maybe I just missed teaching, maybe I missed the kids, or was it the adult conversations that I craved? What was this total lack of purpose that I was feeling?
Today was the day that I had an epiphany.
I was taking pictures of Ellie and I realized how much I loved it. I loved playing with the angles, the light, black and white vs. color, etc. I was having such a good time that I lost all track of time. And then it hit me, Eurekah, this is what I want to be doing! This is what I love to do. This is what I will do.
So I made the decision and then thought what now. I thought about a friend from high school that I had recently gotten in touch with and how I loved looking at her photos. So I went to her blog and there she was thanking all those who had helped her and advised her and inspired her. And there it was again, my epiphany. I can get advice, I can ask for help, I can be inspired. So I sent her a message and off we go...
Now it is 1:45 in the morning and I can't sleep. My mind is racing with ideas and utter excitement. Where to start, what books should I read or reread, should I enroll in a class, what should it be called, where can I take pictures, what lens should I buy next...the race is on. So I had to get up and start this blog so I have a place to put all the ideas and thoughts to begin this process.
Thanks Abbey for being my first supporter and adviser!
Name ideas:
DiSH portraits ( I always wanted to have a bakery called DiSH, those are my initials)
back deck portraits
back yard portraits
peeps portraits
epiphany photography
Ok I feel much better having written it down. Hopefully I can sleep. Let the good times roll!!!